Engineers registration board new zealand

The Engineers Registration Board (ERB) is a statutory body responsible for regulating the engineering profession in New Zealand. Here are some key facts about the ERB:

Purpose: The ERB's primary purpose is to protect the public by ensuring that engineers practicing in New Zealand are competent, qualified, and ethical. The board also aims to promote the engineering profession and maintain public trust in the profession.


  1. Registration: The ERB registers engineers who meet the required qualifications, experience, and skills to practice in New Zealand.
  2. Accreditation: The board accredits engineering programs and courses offered by universities and other institutions to ensure they meet the required standards.
  3. Investigation and discipline: The ERB investigates complaints against engineers and takes disciplinary action if necessary, including suspending or revoking registration.
  4. Continuing Professional Development (CPD): The board requires registered engineers to complete CPD activities to maintain their registration and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their field.

Registration categories: The ERB has three categories of registration:

  1. Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng): This is the highest level of registration, requiring a bachelor's degree in engineering, at least 5 years of relevant experience, and completion of a chartered professional engineer assessment.
  2. Professional Engineer (PEng): This category requires a bachelor's degree in engineering, at least 3 years of relevant experience, and completion of a professional engineer assessment.
  3. Graduate Engineer (GEng): This category is for engineers who have completed a bachelor's degree in engineering but do not yet have the required experience or qualifications for PEng or CPEng registration.

Benefits of registration: Registration with the ERB provides several benefits, including:

  1. Professional recognition: Registration demonstrates that an engineer has met the required standards and is competent to practice in New Zealand.
  2. Public protection: Registration helps to protect the public by ensuring that engineers practicing in New Zealand are qualified and competent.
  3. Career advancement: Registration can be beneficial for career advancement, as it demonstrates a commitment to professional development and ethics.
  4. Access to professional development opportunities: Registered engineers have access to professional development opportunities, including CPD activities and networking events.

Contact information: The Engineers Registration Board can be contacted at:

Email: [email protected] Phone: +64 4 384 7633 Address: Level 2, 141-143 Featherston Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand