Engineering news articles

Here are some recent engineering news articles from various sources:

1. Breakthrough in Quantum Computing

"Google's Quantum Computer Just Achieved a Major Breakthrough" - Wired (March 2023)

Google's quantum computer, Sycamore, has achieved a major breakthrough by solving a complex problem that would take a classical computer thousands of years to solve.

2. New Materials for Energy Storage

"New Material Could Revolutionize Energy Storage" - Science Daily (February 2023)

Researchers have developed a new material that could revolutionize energy storage by increasing the efficiency and capacity of batteries.

3. Advances in Robotics

"New Robot Can Learn and Adapt Like Humans" - The Verge (January 2023)

A new robot developed by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, can learn and adapt like humans, making it more capable of performing complex tasks.

4. Sustainable Infrastructure

"New Concrete Made from Recycled Plastic Could Revolutionize Construction" - CNN (December 2022)

Researchers have developed a new type of concrete made from recycled plastic that could revolutionize the construction industry by reducing waste and increasing sustainability.

5. Artificial Intelligence in Engineering

"AI-Powered Design Tool Could Revolutionize Engineering" - Engineering News-Record (November 2022)

A new AI-powered design tool could revolutionize the engineering industry by allowing designers to create complex structures and systems more quickly and efficiently.

6. Advances in Medical Devices

"New Implantable Device Could Help Treat Chronic Pain" - Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry (October 2022)

Researchers have developed a new implantable device that could help treat chronic pain by stimulating the brain's pain centers.

7. Climate Change Mitigation

"New Technology Could Help Remove Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere" - The Guardian (September 2022)

Researchers have developed a new technology that could help remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, a key step in mitigating climate change.

8. 3D Printing

"New 3D Printing Technology Could Revolutionize Manufacturing" - 3D Printing Industry (August 2022)

Researchers have developed a new 3D printing technology that could revolutionize manufacturing by allowing for the rapid production of complex parts and products.

9. Cybersecurity in Engineering

"New Cybersecurity Threats Emerge as IoT Devices Grow" - Engineering News-Record (July 2022)

As the number of IoT devices grows, new cybersecurity threats are emerging, and engineers must take steps to protect these devices from hacking and other forms of cyber attacks.

10. Advances in Aerospace Engineering

"New Materials Could Revolutionize Aerospace Industry" - Aviation Week (June 2022)

Researchers have developed new materials that could revolutionize the aerospace industry by increasing the efficiency and sustainability of aircraft and spacecraft.

These are just a few examples of recent engineering news articles. I hope you find them interesting and informative!