Engagement of a new auditor

The engagement of a new auditor involves several steps that ensure a smooth transition and effective audit process. Here's a comprehensive checklist to follow:


  1. Identify the need for a new auditor: Determine why a new auditor is required (e.g., change in company leadership, dissatisfaction with current auditor, or regulatory requirements).
  2. Define the scope of the engagement: Determine the services required (e.g., audit, review, or compilation) and the areas to be audited (e.g., financial statements, internal controls, or compliance with laws and regulations).
  3. Establish the engagement team: Identify the key personnel involved in the engagement, including the auditor, audit manager, and other team members.

Initial Communication

  1. Initial meeting: Schedule a meeting with the new auditor to discuss the engagement, scope, and objectives.
  2. Provide background information: Share relevant information about the company, including its history, operations, and financial performance.
  3. Discuss the audit plan: Outline the audit plan, including the timeline, procedures, and expected outcomes.

Audit Planning

  1. Develop an audit plan: Create a detailed plan outlining the audit procedures, timelines, and resources required.
  2. Identify audit risks: Identify potential risks and assess their likelihood and impact on the audit.
  3. Develop an audit program: Create a program outlining the specific audit procedures to be performed.

Audit Execution

  1. Conduct opening meetings: Hold meetings with the audit team and client to discuss the audit plan, objectives, and expectations.
  2. Perform audit procedures: Conduct audit procedures, including testing of transactions, accounts, and internal controls.
  3. Obtain audit evidence: Collect and document audit evidence, including financial records, documents, and other relevant information.

Audit Reporting

  1. Prepare audit report: Prepare a comprehensive audit report outlining the results of the audit, including any findings, recommendations, and opinions.
  2. Present audit report: Present the audit report to the client and other stakeholders, as required.


  1. Follow-up on audit findings: Follow up on audit findings and recommendations to ensure their implementation.
  2. Evaluate the audit: Evaluate the effectiveness of the audit and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Maintain communication: Maintain open communication with the client and other stakeholders throughout the engagement.

Additional Tips

  1. Establish a relationship: Build a professional relationship with the new auditor to ensure a smooth engagement.
  2. Communicate effectively: Communicate clearly and effectively with the auditor throughout the engagement.
  3. Be prepared: Be prepared to provide information and access to records as required by the auditor.
  4. Monitor progress: Monitor the progress of the audit and provide feedback to the auditor as needed.

By following these steps, you can ensure a successful engagement with a new auditor and achieve your audit objectives.