Engagement is the new cocaine ed latimore pdf

It seems like you're interested in the book "Engagement is the New Cocaine" by Ed Latimore!

"Engagement is the New Cocaine" is a thought-provoking book that explores the concept of engagement in the modern world. Ed Latimore, a professional boxer and writer, argues that in today's society, people are more likely to be addicted to the fleeting highs of social media and instant gratification rather than meaningful relationships and experiences.

The book delves into the psychology of human behavior, examining how our brains are wired to respond to instant rewards and how this can lead to a sense of emptiness and disconnection. Latimore also shares his own personal struggles with addiction and how he overcame them.

Throughout the book, Latimore offers practical advice on how to cultivate meaningful relationships, build resilience, and find fulfillment in a world that often prioritizes instant gratification over lasting connections.

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