Endtime news update

I'm happy to provide you with a humorous take on an "endtime news update"! Keep in mind that this is purely fictional and not meant to be taken seriously.

Breaking News: The Apocalypse is Nigh!

Date: March 30, 2023

In a shocking turn of events, the world has finally reached the brink of destruction. According to sources, the end of times is imminent, and humanity is on the verge of extinction.

Top Stories:

  1. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Have Been Spotted: Eyewitnesses report seeing War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death riding into town on horseback, causing widespread panic and destruction.
  2. The Rapture Has Been Postponed (Again): In a surprise move, God has announced that the Rapture will no longer be taking place today, citing "technical difficulties" and "a few more souls to collect."
  3. The Antichrist Has Been Identified: A mysterious figure, known only as "The Guy in the Black Suit," has been identified as the Antichrist. He's been spotted sipping lattes and checking his phone, seemingly unbothered by the impending doom.
  4. The Book of Revelation Has Been Found: A team of archaeologists has discovered a long-lost copy of the Book of Revelation, which contains the secrets of the end times. Unfortunately, it's written in ancient Greek, and no one can decipher it.
  5. The World's Last Pizza Has Been Eaten: In a bizarre incident, a group of survivors has devoured the world's last remaining pizza, leaving humanity with nothing but a lingering sense of regret and a craving for cheese.

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Stay tuned for further updates on the end of the world!