Endsars lagos government to prosecute 229 hoodlums

According to reports, the Lagos State Government has announced plans to prosecute 229 suspected hoodlums who were arrested during the #EndSARS protests and subsequent violence in the state.

The announcement was made by the Lagos State Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Moyosore Onigbanjo, who stated that the suspects would be charged to court for various offenses, including murder, arson, and looting.

The decision to prosecute the suspects comes after a thorough investigation into the violence that erupted in the state during the #EndSARS protests, which were sparked by widespread allegations of police brutality and human rights abuses.

The investigation, which was conducted by a joint team of police and military personnel, reportedly identified 229 suspects who were involved in the violence and destruction of property.

The suspects are expected to face charges ranging from murder, attempted murder, arson, and looting, to conspiracy and other related offenses.

The Lagos State Government has also announced plans to provide compensation to victims of the violence and destruction of property, as well as to rebuild and restore damaged infrastructure and businesses.

The decision to prosecute the suspects has been welcomed by many Nigerians, who have called for justice and accountability for those responsible for the violence and destruction of property during the #EndSARS protests.

However, some critics have raised concerns about the fairness and transparency of the investigation and prosecution process, and have called for greater efforts to ensure that justice is served and that the rights of all parties involved are protected.

Overall, the decision to prosecute the 229 suspected hoodlums is seen as a significant step towards holding those responsible for the violence and destruction of property accountable, and towards promoting justice and accountability in Nigeria.