End times news ministry.com

End Times News Ministry (ETNM) is a Christian ministry that focuses on sharing news and information about current events from a biblical perspective. The ministry is led by Pastor Paul Begley, who is a well-known Christian author, speaker, and television personality.

ETNM's website (endtimesnewsministry.com) features a wide range of content, including:

  1. News articles: ETNM provides daily news updates on current events, with a focus on biblical prophecy and its relevance to today's world.
  2. Prophecy updates: The ministry provides regular updates on biblical prophecy, including updates on the Middle East, Israel, and other regions that are relevant to biblical prophecy.
  3. Video teachings: ETNM offers a range of video teachings and sermons on biblical prophecy, apologetics, and other Christian topics.
  4. Podcasts: The ministry has a podcast channel that features interviews with experts, news updates, and biblical teaching.
  5. Bookstore: ETNM has an online bookstore that sells books, DVDs, and other resources on biblical prophecy and Christian living.

Some of the topics that ETNM covers include:

  1. The return of Jesus Christ
  2. The rise of the Antichrist
  3. The role of Israel in biblical prophecy
  4. The significance of the Middle East in biblical prophecy
  5. The impact of current events on biblical prophecy
  6. The importance of being prepared for the end times
  7. The role of the church in the end times

ETNM's mission is to help people understand the Bible and its relevance to current events, and to prepare them for the end times. The ministry is non-denominational and welcomes people from all Christian backgrounds.

It's worth noting that while ETNM is a reputable ministry, some of its teachings and interpretations may not be universally accepted by all Christians. As with any ministry, it's important to approach their teachings with a critical eye and to always seek guidance from the Bible itself.