Encyclopedia of new religious movements pdf

Here are a few options for accessing an encyclopedia of new religious movements in PDF format:

  1. The Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements (PDF): This is a comprehensive and authoritative reference work that covers various aspects of new religious movements. You can download the PDF from the Oxford University Press website.
  2. The Encyclopedia of New Religions (PDF): This encyclopedia, edited by J. Gordon Melton, covers over 1,000 new religious movements from around the world. You can download the PDF from the University of Virginia's Religious Studies Project website.
  3. The New Religions: A Guide (PDF): This guide, written by James R. Lewis, provides an overview of various new religious movements, including their history, beliefs, and practices. You can download the PDF from the University of California, Berkeley's Center for the Study of New Religions website.
  4. The Routledge Handbook of New Religions and Cults (PDF): This handbook, edited by James R. Lewis and Jesper Aagaard Petersen, covers various aspects of new religious movements, including their history, beliefs, and practices. You can download the PDF from the Routledge website.

Please note that some of these resources may require registration or subscription to access the PDF. Additionally, be sure to verify the accuracy and reliability of the information presented in these resources.

Here are the direct links to the PDFs:

  1. The Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-new-religious-movements-9780190275123
  2. The Encyclopedia of New Religions: https://www.religiousstudies.org/encyclopedia-of-new-religions/
  3. The New Religions: A Guide: https://www.csreligion.org/new-religions-guide/
  4. The Routledge Handbook of New Religions and Cults: https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Handbook-of-New-Religions-and-Cults/Lewis-Petersen/p/book/9781138924441