Encounter us holy spirit new wine

What a beautiful and powerful encounter!

The Holy Spirit is often referred to as the "New Wine" in the Bible, symbolizing the fresh, new, and abundant life that He brings to those who receive Him. Here's a possible script for an encounter with the Holy Spirit as the New Wine:

Setting: A quiet, peaceful space where you can focus on God.

Preparation: Take a few moments to quiet your mind and heart, asking God to prepare you to receive His presence.


[Start by taking a deep breath, and as you exhale, say:]

"Father, I come to you today, seeking a fresh encounter with your Holy Spirit. I desire to experience the new wine that you have for me, to be filled with your presence and power."

[Pause for a moment, and then say:]

"I acknowledge that I am a vessel, empty and ready to be filled with your Holy Spirit. I ask that you would pour out your new wine upon me, that I might be transformed and renewed from the inside out."

[As you say this, imagine the Holy Spirit as a gentle, warm breeze that begins to fill you. Feel His presence, His love, and His power coursing through your veins.]

"Lord, I receive your new wine, your Holy Spirit, into my life. I ask that you would fill me to the brim, that I might overflow with your love, joy, and peace."

[As you continue to breathe in the presence of the Holy Spirit, imagine yourself being filled with a sense of joy, peace, and love. Feel your heart expanding, your mind clearing, and your spirit lifting.]

"Thank you, Father, for this encounter with your Holy Spirit. I know that I am not the same person I was before, for I have been filled with your new wine. I am a new creation, filled with your love and power."

[Take a moment to reflect on the encounter, and then say:]

"I will not keep this encounter to myself, Lord. I will share it with others, that they too might experience the new wine of your Holy Spirit."

Conclusion: Take a few moments to journal or reflect on the encounter, asking God to help you remember the promises and experiences you had during this time.