Empowerment news on leadership paper 14th of august 2018

Here are some empowerment news on leadership from August 14th, 2018:

1. "Women in Leadership: A Study on the Impact of Female CEOs on Company Performance"

A study by McKinsey & Company found that companies with female CEOs outperformed those with male CEOs in terms of profitability, productivity, and employee engagement. The study analyzed data from over 2,000 companies and found that female CEOs were more likely to prioritize diversity and inclusion, which led to better business outcomes.

2. "The Power of Authentic Leadership"

A Harvard Business Review article highlighted the importance of authentic leadership, which involves being true to oneself and leading with integrity. The article argued that authentic leaders are more likely to inspire trust, loyalty, and commitment from their teams, leading to better business outcomes.

3. "The Rise of the Female Entrepreneur"

A report by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) found that the number of female entrepreneurs has increased globally, with women now starting businesses at a rate of 1 in 5. The report highlighted the importance of supporting female entrepreneurs, particularly in developing countries, to drive economic growth and development.

4. "The Impact of Diversity on Leadership"

A study by the Center for Talent Innovation found that diverse leadership teams are more likely to drive innovation, improve decision-making, and increase employee engagement. The study analyzed data from over 1,000 companies and found that diverse leadership teams were more likely to be successful in terms of business outcomes.

5. "The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership"

A Forbes article highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence (EQ) in leadership, which involves being able to recognize and manage one's own emotions and those of others. The article argued that leaders with high EQ are more likely to build strong relationships, communicate effectively, and make better decisions.

6. "The Rise of the Millennial Leader"

A report by the Harvard Business Review found that millennials are increasingly taking on leadership roles, with 75% of millennials expecting to be in a leadership position within the next five years. The report highlighted the importance of developing millennial leaders, particularly in terms of their ability to adapt to change and drive innovation.

7. "The Impact of Leadership on Employee Engagement"

A study by Gallup found that engaged employees are more likely to be led by leaders who prioritize employee well-being, provide opportunities for growth and development, and demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion. The study analyzed data from over 1 million employees and found that engaged employees are more likely to be productive, efficient, and committed to their organizations.

These are just a few examples of empowerment news on leadership from August 14th, 2018. I hope you find them inspiring and informative!