Employers urged to educate staff about harassment policies

Employers Urged to Educate Staff About Harassment Policies

As the #MeToo movement continues to raise awareness about sexual harassment and misconduct, employers are being urged to take proactive steps to educate their staff about their harassment policies and procedures.

According to a recent survey, 75% of employees have experienced or witnessed workplace harassment, yet only 12% of companies have a comprehensive anti-harassment policy in place. This lack of education and awareness can lead to a culture of silence and inaction, allowing harassment to continue unchecked.

Employers are being encouraged to take the following steps to educate their staff about harassment policies:

  1. Provide clear policies and procedures: Develop and communicate clear policies and procedures for reporting and addressing harassment, including a clear definition of what constitutes harassment.
  2. Conduct regular training: Provide regular training sessions for all employees, including supervisors and managers, on what constitutes harassment, how to recognize it, and how to report it.
  3. Encourage open communication: Foster an open-door policy where employees feel comfortable reporting incidents of harassment without fear of retaliation.
  4. Investigate all complaints: Take all complaints of harassment seriously and conduct thorough investigations, taking appropriate action to address any findings of misconduct.
  5. Monitor and track incidents: Keep track of all incidents of harassment and monitor trends to identify areas for improvement.
  6. Provide resources and support: Provide resources and support for employees who have experienced harassment, including counseling and other forms of assistance.
  7. Hold perpetrators accountable: Hold perpetrators of harassment accountable for their actions, up to and including termination of employment.
  8. Encourage bystander intervention: Encourage employees to speak up and intervene if they witness harassment, providing them with the tools and resources to do so safely and effectively.

By taking these steps, employers can create a culture of respect and inclusivity, where employees feel safe and supported, and where harassment is not tolerated.

Why is education important?

Education is key to preventing harassment and creating a culture of respect and inclusivity. When employees understand what constitutes harassment and how to report it, they are more likely to speak up and take action if they witness or experience harassment. Education also helps to reduce the stigma associated with reporting harassment, making it more likely that incidents will be reported and addressed.

What are the benefits of education?

The benefits of educating employees about harassment policies and procedures include:

By educating their staff about harassment policies and procedures, employers can create a culture of respect and inclusivity, where employees feel safe and supported, and where harassment is not tolerated.