Emperors new groove eng sub

A classic!

Here are the English subtitles for "The Emperor's New Groove" (2000):

Note: I'll provide the subtitles in a text format, but if you'd like a downloadable file or a link to a website with the subtitles, please let me know!

Scene 1: [Opening shot of the Inca Empire] Narrator: "In the heart of the Inca Empire, a mighty emperor ruled with an iron fist... or at least, he tried to."

[Scene 2: Emperor Kuzco, a self-absorbed and arrogant ruler, is seen lounging on a throne] Kuzco: "I'm the greatest emperor the world has ever known! I'm a god, I'm a king, I'm a... I'm a... I'm a... (stunned) Wait, what was I saying?"

Scene 3: [Enter Yzma, Kuzco's advisor, who is plotting against him] Yzma: "Your Highness, I have a plan to get rid of you and take the throne for myself!"

Kuzco: "What?! No way! I'm the emperor! I'm the greatest!"

Scene 4: [Yzma poisons Kuzco and disguises him as a llama] Yzma: "Ha! You'll never be emperor again, Kuzco! You'll be a llama!"

Kuzco: "No! No! No! This can't be happening! I'm the emperor! I'm... I'm... (stunned) Wait, what's going on?"

Scene 5: [Kuzco, now a llama, escapes and meets Pacha, a kind-hearted farmer] Pacha: "Welcome to my home, little llama! You're safe here."

Kuzco: "Thanks... I think. But I'm not a llama! I'm the emperor!"

Scene 6: [Kuzco and Pacha embark on a journey to return Kuzco to the palace] Kuzco: "We have to get back to the palace! I have to reclaim my throne!"

Pacha: "But, Kuzco, you're a llama. You can't just walk back into the palace."

Kuzco: "Details, details! I'll figure it out!"

Scene 7: [Yzma and her sidekick, Kronk, try to stop Kuzco and Pacha] Yzma: "You'll never stop me, Kuzco! I'll be the new emperor!"

Kuzco: "Not if I have anything to say about it, Yzma! (stunned) Wait, what's going on?"

Scene 8: [Kuzco and Pacha reach the palace and confront Yzma] Kuzco: "You'll never be emperor, Yzma! I'm the emperor, and I'm... I'm... (stunned) Wait, what's going on?"

Yzma: "Ha! You'll never be emperor again, Kuzco! You'll be a llama forever!"

Scene 9: [Kuzco, now back to his human form, reclaims his throne] Kuzco: "I'm back, and I'm the emperor! And I'm... I'm... (stunned) Wait, what's going on?"

Narrator: "And so, the emperor's new groove was born. A tale of self-discovery, friendship, and... well, a little bit of llama-ness."

I hope you enjoyed the subtitles!