Emmanuel macron new french president autobiography

Emmanuel Macron, the current President of France, has not written an autobiography. However, he has written several books on philosophy, economics, and politics, which have been widely read and discussed.

Macron's most famous book is "Revolution" (French title: "Révolution"), which was published in 2016. The book is a philosophical and economic treatise that outlines Macron's vision for a more integrated and prosperous Europe. In the book, Macron argues that the European Union needs to undergo a "revolution" to become more competitive and effective in the face of global challenges.

Macron has also written several other books, including "Memoires d'outre-monde" (Memoirs from Beyond the World), which is a collection of essays on international relations and global governance. He has also written articles and op-eds for various publications, including the French newspaper Le Monde.

It's worth noting that Macron's writing style is often described as dense and complex, and his books are not always easy to read for non-experts. However, his ideas and perspectives have been widely discussed and debated in France and beyond, and his books have been praised for their intellectual rigor and ambition.

Here are some of Emmanuel Macron's notable books:

  1. "Revolution" (2016) - a philosophical and economic treatise on the future of Europe.
  2. "Memoires d'outre-monde" (2017) - a collection of essays on international relations and global governance.
  3. "L'Europe en construction" (2018) - a book on the future of the European Union.
  4. "L'avenir de l'Europe" (2019) - a book on the challenges facing the European Union and its future prospects.

It's worth noting that Macron's books are available in French, and some of them have been translated into other languages, including English. However, the availability of his books may vary depending on the country and region.