Emerald secondary college nine news

A blast from the past!

Emerald Secondary College was a high school located in Emerald, Victoria, Australia. It was featured on the popular Australian television program "Nine News" (then known as "National Nine News") in the 1980s and 1990s.

The school was known for its innovative approach to education, which included a focus on vocational training and hands-on learning. The school's students were often featured on Nine News, showcasing their skills and achievements in various fields such as agriculture, engineering, and the arts.

One of the most notable stories about Emerald Secondary College was its involvement in the "Schools' Challenge" program, which was a national competition that encouraged students to develop innovative solutions to real-world problems. The school's students consistently performed well in the competition, earning recognition and accolades for their efforts.

Emerald Secondary College was also known for its strong community ties, with many local businesses and organizations partnering with the school to provide work experience and training opportunities for its students.

Although the school is no longer in operation, its legacy lives on in the memories of those who attended and the impact it had on the local community.