Email setting for new order in wordpress

In WordPress, you can set up email notifications for new orders in WooCommerce (the most popular e-commerce plugin for WordPress) by following these steps:

Step 1: Enable Email Notifications

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails.
  3. Click on the "New Order" email notification.
  4. Toggle the switch to "Enabled" to enable email notifications for new orders.

Step 2: Configure Email Settings

  1. In the "New Order" email notification settings, you can configure the following:
    • Subject: Enter a subject for the email notification.
    • Recipient: Enter the email address of the person who should receive the notification (e.g., the store owner or a customer service representative).
    • Sender: Enter the email address that will be displayed as the sender of the email notification.
    • Body: You can customize the email body by adding placeholders for order details, such as order number, customer name, and order total.
  2. Click "Save Changes" to save your email settings.

Step 3: Customize Email Body (Optional)

If you want to customize the email body, you can use placeholders to insert order details. For example:

You can use these placeholders in the email body to create a customized notification.

Step 4: Test Email Notification

  1. Place a test order on your WooCommerce store to trigger the email notification.
  2. Check your email inbox to ensure that the email notification was sent successfully.

That's it! With these steps, you should now have email notifications set up for new orders in WooCommerce.