Email marketing news 2018

Here are some key email marketing news and trends from 2018:

  1. Rise of AI-powered email marketing: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) started to play a bigger role in email marketing, enabling personalization, automation, and optimization of email campaigns.
  2. Increased focus on mobile optimization: With more and more people checking their emails on their mobile devices, email marketers had to ensure that their campaigns were optimized for mobile, with responsive designs and easy-to-read content.
  3. Growth of email automation: Automation tools became more sophisticated, allowing marketers to automate email workflows, trigger emails based on user behavior, and personalize emails using data and analytics.
  4. Rise of email personalization: Personalization became a key focus area in email marketing, with marketers using data and analytics to tailor their emails to individual subscribers' interests, behaviors, and preferences.
  5. GDPR and email marketing compliance: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in May 2018, requiring email marketers to obtain explicit consent from subscribers, provide clear information about data processing, and offer data erasure and portability.
  6. Increased use of video in email: Video content became more popular in email marketing, with marketers using video to engage subscribers, explain complex products or services, and showcase customer testimonials.
  7. Growing importance of email deliverability: Email deliverability became a major concern for marketers, with the rise of spam filters and email providers cracking down on spammy emails. Marketers had to focus on improving their email deliverability rates to ensure their emails reached their subscribers' inboxes.
  8. Rise of email marketing automation platforms: Automation platforms like Marketo, Pardot, and HubSpot became more popular, allowing marketers to automate email workflows, lead scoring, and lead nurturing.
  9. Increased use of email segmentation: Email segmentation became more important, with marketers using data and analytics to segment their email lists and send targeted, personalized emails to specific groups of subscribers.
  10. Growing importance of email analytics: Email analytics became more important, with marketers using data and analytics to measure the effectiveness of their email campaigns, track subscriber engagement, and optimize their email strategies.

Some notable email marketing statistics from 2018 include:

These are just a few of the key email marketing news and trends from 2018. If you're interested in learning more, I'd be happy to provide additional information!