Email addresses of catholic churches in new germany

Here are some Catholic churches in New Germany, Minnesota, along with their email addresses:

  1. St. Mary's Catholic Church Email: [email protected] Address: 215 Main St, New Germany, MN 56074

  2. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Email: [email protected] Address: 115 1st St, New Germany, MN 56074

Please note that email addresses may be subject to change, and it's always a good idea to verify the accuracy of the information before reaching out. You can also try searching online for the church's website or contacting them through their website's contact form.

Additionally, you can also try contacting the Diocese of New Ulm, which serves the area where New Germany is located. Their contact information is:

Diocese of New Ulm Email: [email protected] Phone: (507) 359-6911 Address: 725 West Main St, New Ulm, MN 56073

They may be able to provide you with more information or direct you to the correct contact for the Catholic churches in New Germany.