Elric sheigo amapiano mix durban july 2022 nkosazana daughter murumba pitch kabza de small

It seems like you're looking for a specific amapiano mix featuring Elric Sheigo, Nkosazana Daughter, Murumba Pitch, and Kabza De Small, which was played during the Durban July 2022 event.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the exact mix you're looking for. However, I can suggest some alternatives to help you find what you're looking for:

  1. Check online music platforms: You can try searching for the mix on popular music streaming platforms like YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, or SoundCloud. You can use keywords like "Elric Sheigo Durban July 2022 mix", "Nkosazana Daughter amapiano mix", "Murumba Pitch Durban July 2022", or "Kabza De Small Durban July 2022".
  2. Look for DJ sets: You can also search for DJ sets from Durban July 2022 or similar events featuring the mentioned artists. This might give you a better chance of finding the mix you're looking for.
  3. Check social media: You can try searching for the artists' social media profiles, especially Instagram and Facebook, where they might have shared the mix or similar content.
  4. Reach out to the artists or DJs: If you're unable to find the mix online, you can try reaching out to the artists or DJs directly through their social media profiles or management teams. They might be able to provide you with the mix or point you in the right direction.

Remember to always respect the intellectual property and copyright of the artists and DJs. If you're unable to find the mix, you can always explore other amapiano tracks and mixes featuring the mentioned artists.