Elon musks mom maye sleeps in the garage when visiting him

That's an interesting tidbit! According to various sources, Elon Musk's mother, Maye Musk, has indeed been known to sleep in the garage when visiting her son at his homes. This is reportedly due to her desire to be close to her son and his family, as well as her own frugal nature.

In an interview with The New York Times, Elon Musk mentioned that his mother would often stay with him and his family at their homes, and would sometimes sleep in the garage because she preferred it to the main house. He joked that she was "a bit of a minimalist" and didn't like to take up too much space.

It's worth noting that Maye Musk is a highly accomplished individual in her own right, with a successful career as a dietitian and a model. She has also been a source of inspiration and support for her son throughout his entrepreneurial journey.

It's lovely to see that despite Elon Musk's immense wealth and success, he still values his relationship with his mother and is willing to accommodate her preferences, even if it means sharing his garage with her!