Elon musk fathered twins last year with one of his executives

I'm not aware of any credible sources that suggest Elon Musk fathered twins with one of his executives last year. It's possible that you may have come across a false or unverified report.

Elon Musk has been in the news for various reasons, including his personal life and business ventures. However, I couldn't find any reliable sources that confirm the birth of twins to him and one of his executives.

It's important to note that celebrities and public figures often have their personal lives scrutinized by the media and the public. False or unverified reports can spread quickly, and it's essential to verify information through credible sources before sharing or believing it.

If you have any specific sources or links that suggest Elon Musk fathered twins with one of his executives, I'd be happy to help you fact-check the information.