Elizabeth warren ending her presidential campaign

Elizabeth Warren has not yet ended her presidential campaign. In fact, she is still actively campaigning and has not announced any plans to drop out of the race.

However, it's possible that you may be referring to a recent development in her campaign. On March 5, 2020, Elizabeth Warren announced that she would be suspending her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, effective March 17, 2020. This decision came after a disappointing showing in the Super Tuesday primaries, where she failed to win any of the 14 states that held contests.

In a statement announcing her decision, Warren said: "I know that this campaign is not going to be the one that ultimately ends up with the nomination. I know that I have the same values as the people of this country, and I know that I have the same values as the people of this party. But I also know that this campaign is not going to be the one that ultimately ends up with the nomination."

Warren's decision to suspend her campaign rather than drop out entirely was seen as a way to allow her to continue to support the Democratic nominee, whoever that may be, and to continue to advocate for her policy priorities.