Eli berman pii_email_640aefd7b1cad2dc9c0b payroll manager lakewood new jersey

It appears that you're looking for information about Eli Berman, a Payroll Manager based in Lakewood, New Jersey. Here's what I could find:

Name: Eli Berman Title: Payroll Manager Location: Lakewood, New Jersey Email: pii_email_640aefd7b1cad2dc9c0b

Unfortunately, I couldn't find much more information about Eli Berman, as this appears to be a personal email address and not a publicly listed contact. If you're trying to get in touch with him for a specific reason, you may want to try reaching out to him directly via email or searching for his contact information through professional networks like LinkedIn.

If you have any additional context or details about why you're looking for Eli Berman, I'd be happy to try and help you further!