Elements of news report

A news report typically includes the following elements:

  1. Headline: A concise and attention-grabbing title that summarizes the main point of the story.
  2. Lead (or Lede): The opening sentence or paragraph that sets the tone and provides the most important information about the story.
  3. Dateline: The location where the story is taking place, usually included at the top of the report.
  4. Summary (or Synopsis): A brief overview of the story, providing context and background information.
  5. Body: The main content of the report, which provides more detailed information about the story, including quotes, statistics, and other relevant details.
  6. Quotes: Direct quotes from individuals involved in the story, which add depth and context to the report.
  7. Statistics (or Facts): Relevant data and figures that support the story and provide additional context.
  8. Analysis (or Commentary): The reporter's interpretation of the story, including their analysis of the events and their significance.
  9. Conclusion: A summary of the main points and a final thought or comment from the reporter.
  10. Additional information (or Boilerplate): Additional details or background information that may be of interest to readers, such as biographical information about individuals involved in the story.
  11. Visuals (or Multimedia): Images, videos, or other multimedia elements that help to illustrate the story and make it more engaging.
  12. Sources: A list of sources used in the report, including interviews, documents, and other materials.
  13. Contact information: Contact details for the reporter or news organization, in case readers have further questions or want to provide feedback.

These elements may vary depending on the type of news report, the medium in which it is published, and the style of the news organization.