Elements of news in journalism

In journalism, the elements of news refer to the essential components that make up a news story. These elements help to ensure that a news story is informative, engaging, and effective in conveying the message to the audience. The following are the key elements of news in journalism:

  1. Who: The people involved in the story, including the main characters, witnesses, and experts.
  2. What: A clear and concise description of the event or issue being reported.
  3. When: The time and date of the event or issue being reported.
  4. Where: The location of the event or issue being reported.
  5. Why: The reasons behind the event or issue being reported.
  6. How: The method or process by which the event or issue occurred.
  7. Impact: The consequences or effects of the event or issue being reported.
  8. Quotes: Direct quotes from people involved in the story, which add depth and context to the report.
  9. Facts: Verifiable and accurate information that supports the story.
  10. Context: The background information and historical context that helps readers understand the significance of the story.
  11. Analysis: An interpretation of the events or issues being reported, which helps readers understand the implications and significance of the story.
  12. Human interest: The personal or emotional aspects of the story that make it relatable and engaging to readers.
  13. Action: The steps being taken or proposed to address the issue or problem being reported.
  14. Follow-up: Information on how the story will be continued or updated in the future.

Additionally, some journalists also consider the following elements:

  1. Visuals: Images, videos, or other visual elements that help to illustrate the story and make it more engaging.
  2. Audio: Audio recordings or interviews that provide additional context or insight into the story.
  3. Interactive elements: Interactive features such as polls, quizzes, or games that engage readers and encourage participation.
  4. Multimedia: The use of multiple media formats, such as text, images, audio, and video, to present the story.

By incorporating these elements, journalists can create well-rounded and engaging news stories that inform and entertain their audience.