Elements of new

You're referring to the "Elements of News"!

The Elements of News are a set of guidelines used by journalists and news organizations to ensure that news stories are accurate, comprehensive, and engaging. Here are the traditional elements of news:

  1. Who: The people involved in the story, including the main characters, witnesses, and experts.
  2. What: A clear and concise summary of the event or issue being reported.
  3. When: The time and date of the event, as well as any relevant background information.
  4. Where: The location(s) where the event occurred or is occurring.
  5. Why: The reasons behind the event or issue, including any relevant context or explanations.
  6. How: The methods or actions taken by individuals or organizations involved in the story.
  7. Impact: The effects or consequences of the event or issue, including any potential outcomes or implications.
  8. Quotes: Direct quotes from individuals involved in the story, which provide additional context and insight.
  9. Statistics: Relevant numbers or data that help to illustrate the scope or significance of the story.
  10. Visuals: Photographs, videos, or other visual elements that help to tell the story and engage the audience.

By including these elements, journalists can create well-rounded and informative news stories that keep readers engaged and informed.