Elele latest security news

Here are some of the latest security news and updates:

1. Ransomware Attack on Colonial Pipeline

The Colonial Pipeline, which transports gasoline and other refined petroleum products from Houston, Texas to Linden, New Jersey, was hit by a ransomware attack on May 7. The attack caused the company to shut down its operations, leading to fuel shortages and long lines at gas stations along the East Coast.

2. Microsoft Patch Tuesday

Microsoft released its monthly Patch Tuesday updates on May 11, which included fixes for 74 vulnerabilities, including several critical ones. The updates addressed issues in Windows, Office, and other Microsoft products.

3. Google Chrome Vulnerability

Google announced a vulnerability in its Chrome browser on May 12, which could allow attackers to steal sensitive information. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2021-21224, affects Chrome versions 89 and earlier.

4. Facebook Bug Exposes User Data

Facebook announced on May 13 that a bug in its system exposed the phone numbers and email addresses of millions of users. The bug, which was fixed in March, affected users who had opted out of sharing their contact information with third-party apps.

5. SolarWinds Hack Update

The US government has accused Russia of being behind the SolarWinds hack, which affected several government agencies and private companies. The hack, which was discovered in December, is believed to have been carried out by Russian intelligence agents.

6. Apple Security Update

Apple released a security update on May 17, which addressed several vulnerabilities in its operating systems, including iOS, macOS, and watchOS. The update also included fixes for several critical vulnerabilities.

7. WhatsApp Vulnerability

A vulnerability in WhatsApp's video calling feature was discovered on May 18, which could allow attackers to inject malware into users' devices. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2021-24027, affects WhatsApp versions 2.20.100 and earlier.

8. US Government Warns of Russian Cyber Threats

The US government has warned of a growing cyber threat from Russia, which is believed to be increasing its efforts to disrupt critical infrastructure and steal sensitive information. The warning was issued by the US Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

9. Google Play Store Malware

Google removed over 100 malicious apps from its Play Store on May 20, which were designed to steal users' personal data and install malware on their devices. The apps were discovered by security researchers at Check Point.

10. Microsoft Exchange Server Vulnerability

Microsoft announced a vulnerability in its Exchange Server software on May 21, which could allow attackers to gain access to sensitive information. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2021-26855, affects Exchange Server versions 2013, 2016, and 2019.

These are just a few of the latest security news and updates. It's essential to stay informed about the latest security threats and vulnerabilities to protect yourself and your organization from cyber attacks.