Electroneum news

Electroneum (ETN) is a cryptocurrency that has been gaining attention in recent times. Here are some recent news and updates about Electroneum:

Recent Price Movement:

As of March 2023, the price of Electroneum (ETN) is around $0.0125 per coin. The coin has been experiencing a steady decline in value over the past few months, but it's still holding strong.

Electroneum's Mobile Mining App:

Electroneum's mobile mining app, which allows users to mine ETN using their mobile devices, has been gaining popularity. The app has been downloaded over 1 million times on the Google Play Store and has received positive reviews from users.

Partnership with Gaming Company:

Electroneum has partnered with a popular gaming company to integrate ETN as a payment method for in-game purchases. This partnership is expected to increase the adoption of ETN and bring more users to the platform.

Listing on New Exchanges:

Electroneum has been listed on several new exchanges in recent times, including the popular cryptocurrency exchange, Binance. This increased liquidity and accessibility are expected to boost the price of ETN.

Community Engagement:

Electroneum has been actively engaging with its community through social media and online forums. The team has been responding to user queries and providing updates on the project's progress.


Electroneum's roadmap includes several upcoming developments, including the launch of a decentralized exchange (DEX), the integration of ETN with popular payment processors, and the development of a blockchain-based gaming platform.


Electroneum has a strong focus on security, with a team of experts working to ensure the safety and integrity of the network. The project has implemented several security measures, including multi-signature wallets and advanced encryption.

Regulatory Compliance:

Electroneum is committed to regulatory compliance and has been working with relevant authorities to ensure that the project meets all necessary regulatory requirements.

Community Events:

Electroneum has been hosting community events and contests to engage with its users and promote the project. These events have been well-received by the community and have helped to build a sense of community around the project.

Overall, Electroneum is a promising cryptocurrency with a strong focus on community engagement, security, and regulatory compliance. The project's mobile mining app and partnerships with gaming companies are expected to drive adoption and increase the value of ETN.