Electrical engineer new zealand

A great choice! New Zealand is a fantastic country to work as an electrical engineer. Here's some information to get you started:

Job Market:

The demand for electrical engineers in New Zealand is strong, driven by the country's growing infrastructure and construction industries. According to the New Zealand Institute of Physics, the demand for electrical engineers is expected to increase by 14% between 2020 and 2025.


The average salary for an electrical engineer in New Zealand is around NZD $80,000 to NZD $120,000 per year, depending on experience and location. Senior engineers and those working in specialized fields like renewable energy or telecommunications can earn even higher salaries.


To work as an electrical engineer in New Zealand, you'll need to register with the New Zealand Institute of Professional Engineers (IPENZ). This requires a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering or a related field, as well as a minimum of two years of relevant work experience.

Professional Associations:

The Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ) is the main professional association for electrical engineers in New Zealand. Membership benefits include access to professional development opportunities, networking events, and a range of resources and publications.


New Zealand is home to several excellent universities that offer electrical engineering programs, including:

  1. University of Auckland
  2. University of Canterbury
  3. University of Waikato
  4. Massey University
  5. University of Otago

Work-Life Balance:

New Zealand is known for its excellent work-life balance, with a strong focus on outdoor activities, cultural events, and community engagement. As an electrical engineer, you'll have plenty of opportunities to enjoy the country's stunning natural beauty, from hiking and surfing to skiing and cycling.


While New Zealand is a great place to work as an electrical engineer, there are some challenges to consider:

  1. Remote locations: Some parts of New Zealand are remote, which can make it difficult to access resources and services.
  2. Limited job opportunities in certain areas: While the demand for electrical engineers is strong, there may be limited job opportunities in certain regions or industries.
  3. High cost of living: New Zealand has a relatively high cost of living, particularly in cities like Auckland and Wellington.

Tips for Moving to New Zealand:

  1. Research, research, research: Learn as much as you can about New Zealand's culture, lifestyle, and job market before making the move.
  2. Network: Connect with other electrical engineers and professionals in New Zealand to learn about job opportunities and get advice on the local job market.
  3. Consider a working holiday visa: If you're not yet ready to commit to a long-term move, consider applying for a working holiday visa, which allows you to work in New Zealand for up to 12 months.
  4. Be prepared for a different work culture: New Zealand has a more relaxed work culture than some other countries, so be prepared to adapt to a more laid-back approach to work.

Overall, New Zealand is a fantastic country to work as an electrical engineer, with a strong job market, excellent work-life balance, and stunning natural beauty. With some research and preparation, you can make a successful transition to this beautiful country.