Election night 2016 fox news

Election Night 2016 on Fox News was a historic and memorable event. Here's a recap of what happened:

The Night's Events

On November 8, 2016, Americans went to the polls to elect the 45th President of the United States. Fox News, one of the leading cable news networks, provided extensive coverage of the election results.

As the night wore on, it became clear that Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, was gaining momentum against Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee. Trump's campaign had been considered a long shot by many pundits, but he had managed to build a strong following among working-class voters and those dissatisfied with the political establishment.

The "Fox News Decision Desk"

Fox News had a team of experts, known as the "Fox News Decision Desk," who analyzed the election results and made projections about the outcome. The desk was led by veteran journalist and pollster, Chris Stirewalt.

As the night wore on, the Decision Desk made several key projections, including:

  1. Trump wins Ohio: At around 10:30 PM ET, the Decision Desk projected that Trump had won the crucial swing state of Ohio, which was seen as a key battleground.
  2. Trump wins Florida: At around 11:30 PM ET, the Decision Desk projected that Trump had won Florida, another crucial swing state.
  3. Trump wins North Carolina: At around 12:30 AM ET, the Decision Desk projected that Trump had won North Carolina, another key battleground state.

The "Fox News Election Night" Coverage

Fox News' election night coverage was anchored by Bret Baier, Martha MacCallum, and Chris Wallace. The network's coverage featured a range of guests, including political analysts, pollsters, and campaign officials.

As the night wore on, the Fox News team provided live updates and analysis of the election results. They also featured live interviews with Trump and Clinton campaign officials, as well as other key figures in the election.

The "Fox News" Projection: Trump Wins

At around 2:30 AM ET, the Fox News Decision Desk made its final projection: Donald Trump had won the presidency. The network's anchors and analysts celebrated the news, with Bret Baier declaring, "We're seeing a Trump victory."

The Fox News projection was widely reported and quickly spread across social media, with many outlets following suit. The news sent shockwaves through the political world, as Trump's victory was seen as a major upset.

The Aftermath

In the aftermath of the election, Fox News continued to provide extensive coverage of the results and their implications. The network's anchors and analysts analyzed the election results, discussing the factors that contributed to Trump's victory and the implications for the country.

The election night coverage on Fox News was widely praised for its accuracy and fairness, with many viewers praising the network's decision desk for its timely and accurate projections.