Election news in southern taraba

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that Southern Taraba is a region in Nigeria, and I'm assuming you're referring to election news in that region. If that's correct, I'll do my best to provide you with some information.

As of my knowledge cutoff, there haven't been any recent elections in Southern Taraba. However, I can suggest some ways for you to stay updated on election news in the region:

  1. Follow local news outlets: There are several local news outlets that cover election news in Southern Taraba. You can follow them on social media or visit their websites to stay updated.
  2. Check online news platforms: Online news platforms like Vanguard, Punch, and ThisDay often have sections dedicated to election news in Nigeria, including Southern Taraba.
  3. Follow political parties: You can also follow the social media accounts of political parties contesting elections in Southern Taraba to stay updated on their campaigns and election news.
  4. Contact local election officials: You can also contact local election officials in Southern Taraba to get information on upcoming elections and election news.

Some recent election news in Nigeria that may be relevant to Southern Taraba includes:

I hope this information is helpful!