Election fox news live

Here are the latest updates on the 2024 US Presidential Election from Fox News:

Live Coverage

Fox News is providing live coverage of the 2024 US Presidential Election, featuring expert analysis, breaking news, and live updates from the campaign trail.

Latest Polls

According to the latest polls, the race is neck and neck between the two major candidates:

Key Issues

The top issues on voters' minds include:

Campaign Trail

The candidates are crisscrossing the country, holding rallies and town halls to win over voters. Here are some of the latest updates:


The two candidates have already faced off in one debate, with another one scheduled for later this month. The debates are a crucial part of the election season, allowing voters to see the candidates' policies and personalities up close.

Voter Turnout

Early voting is underway in many states, and voter turnout is expected to be high. Here are some key numbers:

Fox News Analysis

Fox News experts are providing in-depth analysis of the election, including:

Stay Tuned

For the latest updates on the 2024 US Presidential Election, tune in to Fox News for live coverage, expert analysis, and breaking news.