Elected new us senators and their parties

Here is the list of newly elected US Senators and their parties, based on the 2020 US Senate elections:

Class 1 Senators (elected in 2020)

  1. Arizona: Mark Kelly (D) - defeated Martha McSally (R)
  2. Colorado: John Hickenlooper (D) - defeated Cory Gardner (R)
  3. Georgia: Raphael Warnock (D) - defeated Kelly Loeffler (R) in a runoff election
  4. Alaska: Dan Sullivan (R) - defeated Al Gross (D)
  5. Kansas: Roger Marshall (R) - defeated Barbara Bollier (D)
  6. Montana: Jon Tester (D) - defeated Matt Rosendale (R)
  7. South Carolina: Lindsey Graham (R) - defeated Jaime Harrison (D)
  8. Texas: John Cornyn (R) - defeated MJ Hegar (D)

Class 3 Senators (elected in 2020)

  1. Alabama: Tommy Tuberville (R) - defeated Doug Jones (D)
  2. California: Alex Padilla (D) - appointed to fill the vacancy left by Kamala Harris (D) when she became Vice President
  3. Georgia: Jon Ossoff (D) - defeated David Perdue (R) in a runoff election
  4. Iowa: Theresa Greenfield (D) - defeated Joni Ernst (R)
  5. Maine: Angus King (I) - re-elected
  6. North Carolina: Ted Budd (R) - defeated Cal Cunningham (D)
  7. Ohio: Sherrod Brown (D) - re-elected
  8. Pennsylvania: John Fetterman (D) - defeated Mehmet Oz (R)

Note: The asterisk (*) indicates a runoff election was held to determine the winner.