Elasticbeanstalk does not replace existing content with new content why

A common gotcha!

Elastic Beanstalk (EB) is a managed service that allows you to deploy web applications and services to AWS without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. However, when it comes to updating your application's content, EB doesn't automatically replace existing content with new content. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Versioning: EB is designed to manage the deployment of your application code, not its content. When you update your application, EB creates a new version of your application, but it doesn't overwrite existing content. This allows you to maintain a history of previous versions and roll back to a previous version if needed.
  2. Content management: EB is not a content management system (CMS). It's designed to manage the deployment of your application code, not the content itself. If you need to manage content, you should use a separate CMS or a database to store and manage your content.
  3. Data persistence: EB uses Amazon S3 to store your application's code and configuration files. When you update your application, EB creates a new version of your code and configuration files, but it doesn't overwrite existing data in your S3 bucket. This means that any existing content in your S3 bucket will remain unchanged.
  4. Application logic: EB is designed to manage the deployment of your application code, not its logic. If your application has logic that updates content, you'll need to implement that logic in your application code.

To update existing content with new content, you'll need to implement the necessary logic in your application code. For example, if you're using a database to store content, you can update the database records using your application's logic. If you're using a CMS, you can update the content using the CMS's API or UI.

In summary, Elastic Beanstalk is designed to manage the deployment of your application code, not its content. If you need to update existing content with new content, you'll need to implement the necessary logic in your application code or use a separate CMS or database to manage your content.