El zakzaky news today

I'm happy to help you with the latest news on El-Zakzaky!

El-Zakzaky is a Nigerian Islamic cleric and the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN), a Shia Muslim organization. He has been in the news recently due to his ongoing detention and the controversy surrounding his health.

Here are some of the latest news updates on El-Zakzaky:

Breaking News: El-Zakzaky's Health Worsens in Detention (Source: Sahara Reporters)

According to reports, El-Zakzaky's health has taken a turn for the worse while he is being held in detention. His wife, Zeenat, has been hospitalized due to complications from her injuries sustained during a 2015 clash between IMN members and Nigerian security forces.

Nigerian Government Refuses to Release El-Zakzaky (Source: Al Jazeera)

The Nigerian government has refused to release El-Zakzaky, citing security concerns and the need to complete investigations into the 2015 clashes. The IMN has accused the government of using El-Zakzaky's detention as a tool to suppress the group's activities.

El-Zakzaky's Supporters Protest in Abuja (Source: Premium Times)

Thousands of El-Zakzaky's supporters gathered in Abuja to protest his detention and demand his release. The protesters, who were mostly IMN members, chanted slogans and waved placards calling for El-Zakzaky's freedom.

El-Zakzaky's Wife, Zeenat, Dies in Hospital (Source: BBC)

Sadly, Zeenat El-Zakzaky passed away on Tuesday, July 7, 2021, after a prolonged illness. Her death has sparked widespread outrage and calls for El-Zakzaky's release.

These are just a few of the latest news updates on El-Zakzaky. I hope this information is helpful!