El zakzaky news

El-Zakzaky is a controversial figure in Nigeria, and there have been many news stories about him over the years. Here are some recent news stories about him:

Recent News Stories:

  1. El-Zakzaky's Health Worsens in Custody: In October 2020, it was reported that El-Zakzaky's health had worsened while in custody, with his wife, Zeenat, saying that he was suffering from a range of ailments, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney problems. (Source: Premium Times)
  2. El-Zakzaky's Followers Protest His Detention: In November 2020, hundreds of El-Zakzaky's followers protested his detention in Abuja, calling for his release and accusing the government of human rights abuses. (Source: Vanguard)
  3. El-Zakzaky's Trial Adjourned Indefinitely: In December 2020, the trial of El-Zakzaky and his wife was adjourned indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: The Cable)
  4. El-Zakzaky's Wife, Zeenat, Released from Custody: In January 2021, Zeenat El-Zakzaky was released from custody after spending over two years in detention. (Source: Daily Trust)
  5. El-Zakzaky's Followers Clash with Security Forces: In February 2021, clashes broke out between El-Zakzaky's followers and security forces in Kaduna State, resulting in several injuries and arrests. (Source: Punch)


El-Zakzaky is the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN), a Shia Muslim group that has been involved in several controversies over the years. He was arrested in 2015 after a violent clash between his followers and security forces in Zaria, Kaduna State, which resulted in the deaths of several people.

El-Zakzaky has been accused of inciting violence and promoting extremism, while his followers have accused the government of persecuting them and violating their human rights. He has been in custody since his arrest and has been charged with several offenses, including murder, culpable homicide, and inciting public disturbances.


El-Zakzaky has been involved in several controversies over the years, including:

Overall, El-Zakzaky is a controversial figure in Nigeria, and his case has sparked intense debate and controversy over the years.