El salvador gangs new york times

You're referring to the article "In El Salvador, Gangs Wield Power and Fear" published in The New York Times on March 14, 2022. Here's a summary:

The article highlights the growing influence of gangs in El Salvador, particularly the MS-13 and Barrio 18 gangs, which have been responsible for widespread violence, extortion, and human rights abuses. The gangs have become so powerful that they have infiltrated all levels of society, from government to education to the economy.

The article notes that the gangs have been able to maintain their power due to a combination of factors, including:

  1. Corruption: Many government officials and law enforcement agents have been bribed or coerced into working with the gangs, allowing them to operate with impunity.
  2. Poverty: Many young people in El Salvador are drawn to the gangs as a way to escape poverty and find a sense of belonging and purpose.
  3. Lack of opportunities: The country's economy is struggling, and many young people lack access to education, job opportunities, and other resources, making them more vulnerable to gang recruitment.

The article also highlights the devastating impact of gang violence on El Salvador's society, including:

  1. High murder rates: El Salvador has one of the highest murder rates in the world, with an average of 60 homicides per day.
  2. Extortion: Gangs extort money from businesses, individuals, and families, often using violence and intimidation to collect payments.
  3. Human rights abuses: Gangs have been responsible for numerous human rights abuses, including torture, kidnapping, and murder.
  4. Displacement: Many people have been forced to flee their homes due to gang violence, leading to a significant displacement crisis in the country.

The article concludes by noting that the situation in El Salvador is complex and requires a multifaceted approach to address the root causes of gang violence and to bring about lasting peace and stability to the country.