Eksu news about strike

You're looking for news about the strike by the Ekiti State University (EKSU) Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU). Here are some recent updates:

Latest Update (March 2023): The EKSU ASUU has called off its strike after reaching a consensus with the university management. The strike, which began on February 14, was called off after the union and management agreed on a new salary structure and other demands.

Background: The EKSU ASUU went on strike on February 14, 2023, over issues such as non-payment of salaries, non-implementation of the National Minimum Wage, and poor working conditions. The strike affected academic activities in the university, causing inconvenience to students and staff.

Key Demands: The EKSU ASUU had demanded:

  1. Payment of outstanding salaries and allowances
  2. Implementation of the National Minimum Wage
  3. Improved working conditions, including provision of adequate infrastructure and equipment
  4. Resolution of the issue of non-regularization of staff

Negotiations: The EKSU ASUU and management engaged in several rounds of negotiations, which led to a breakthrough and the eventual call-off of the strike.

Impact: The strike had a significant impact on the university, with students and staff affected by the disruption of academic activities. The strike also had a ripple effect on the local community, with businesses and services affected by the reduced economic activity.

Reactions: The EKSU ASUU has been praised for its determination and resilience in pursuing its demands. The university management has also been commended for its willingness to engage with the union and find a solution to the strike.

Please note that these updates are based on publicly available information and may not reflect the most recent developments.