Eksg letter to obas purely an administrative issue fayemis cps

It seems like you're referring to a letter written by Eksg to Obaseki, which is purely an administrative issue related to Fayemi's CPS (Civilian Police Service).

For those who may not be familiar, Eksg is likely referring to the Ekiti State Government, while Obaseki is the Governor of Edo State. Fayemi is a former Governor of Ekiti State, and CPS is an acronym for Civilian Police Service.

Without more context, it's difficult to provide a detailed analysis of the letter. However, based on the information provided, it appears that the letter is related to an administrative issue between the Ekiti State Government and the Civilian Police Service, which is under the supervision of the Governor of Ekiti State, Fayemi.

If you could provide more context or clarify what the letter is about, I'd be happy to help you understand the issue better.