Eko disco to phase out unistar meters in franchise areas

It seems like you're referring to a news article or announcement from Eko Disco (Eko Electricity Distribution Company) about phasing out Unistar meters in their franchise areas.

For the benefit of those who may not be familiar, Unistar meters are a type of electricity meter used for measuring electricity consumption. Eko Disco is a power distribution company responsible for distributing electricity to customers in their franchise areas, which include parts of Lagos State, Nigeria.

According to the announcement, Eko Disco has decided to phase out Unistar meters in their franchise areas. This decision is likely aimed at improving the accuracy and efficiency of electricity metering and billing in their network.

Here are some possible reasons behind this decision:

  1. Improved accuracy: Unistar meters may have been prone to errors or inaccuracies, which could have led to disputes between Eko Disco and customers over electricity bills. By phasing out these meters, Eko Disco may be aiming to reduce errors and provide more accurate billing.
  2. Efficiency: Newer meters may be more efficient and require less maintenance, which could help reduce costs and improve overall service delivery.
  3. Compliance: Eko Disco may be complying with regulatory requirements or industry standards that mandate the use of more advanced or accurate meters.

It's essential for customers in Eko Disco's franchise areas to be aware of this development and take necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition to the new meters. This may involve registering their meters, updating their billing information, or seeking assistance from Eko Disco's customer service team.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about this announcement, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to provide more information!