Eko atlantic latest news

Eko Atlantic is a planned city being built on reclaimed land in Lagos, Nigeria. Here are some of the latest news and updates about Eko Atlantic:

  1. Progress on construction: According to reports, the construction of Eko Atlantic is progressing steadily, with over 90% of the land reclamation work completed. The city is expected to be fully built by 2025.
  2. Infrastructure development: The Lagos State Government has announced plans to develop the infrastructure of Eko Atlantic, including the construction of roads, bridges, and utilities such as water and electricity.
  3. Residential and commercial developments: Several residential and commercial projects are underway in Eko Atlantic, including the construction of apartments, offices, and shopping centers.
  4. Eko Atlantic City Master Plan: The Eko Atlantic City Master Plan has been approved by the Lagos State Government, outlining the vision and strategy for the development of the city.
  5. Sustainability: Eko Atlantic is designed to be a sustainable city, with features such as green spaces, renewable energy, and a waste management system.
  6. Job creation: The construction of Eko Atlantic is expected to create thousands of jobs in the construction, real estate, and hospitality sectors.
  7. Partnerships: The Lagos State Government has partnered with several international organizations and companies to develop Eko Atlantic, including the Eko Atlantic City Development Company, a joint venture between the Lagos State Government and the South Energyx Nigeria Limited.
  8. Environmental concerns: There have been concerns about the environmental impact of the project, including the potential for flooding and erosion. However, the developers have assured that the city is designed to be flood-resistant and that measures are being taken to mitigate the environmental impact.
  9. Cost: The estimated cost of the project is around $10 billion, making it one of the largest infrastructure projects in Africa.
  10. Timeline: The project is expected to be completed in phases, with the first phase expected to be completed by 2025. The entire project is expected to be completed by 2030.

These are some of the latest news and updates about Eko Atlantic. The project is expected to be a major game-changer for Lagos and Nigeria, providing a new hub for business, tourism, and innovation.