Ekiti tribunal news today

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that I'm a large language model, I don't have real-time access to news articles or updates. But I can try to provide you with some general information about Ekiti State and its tribunal.

Ekiti State is a state in southwestern Nigeria, and its tribunal is a judicial body responsible for hearing and determining cases related to the state. If you're looking for news about the Ekiti State tribunal, I can suggest some possible sources:

  1. Online news websites: You can check online news websites such as Vanguard, Punch, ThisDay, and others for news about the Ekiti State tribunal.
  2. Social media: You can also follow social media accounts of reputable news outlets, government officials, and other stakeholders in Ekiti State to stay updated on tribunal news.
  3. Official government websites: You can visit the official website of the Ekiti State government or the tribunal itself to access information about ongoing cases and updates.

Some possible news topics related to the Ekiti State tribunal might include:

If you have a specific question or topic in mind, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to provide you with more information!