Ekedc and new tenant with unpaid bills

A common issue!

If you're a new tenant and you're being charged for unpaid bills by the previous tenant, here's what you can do:

Step 1: Verify the bills

Check the bills to ensure they are legitimate and accurate. Make sure you're not being charged for services you didn't use or didn't agree to.

Step 2: Contact the electricity distribution company (EDC)

Reach out to the Electricity Distribution Company (EDC) in your area, such as Eko Electricity Distribution Company (EKEDC) in Lagos, Nigeria. Explain the situation to them and provide proof of your tenancy, such as a lease agreement or a letter from your landlord.

Step 3: Request a meter reading

Ask the EDC to conduct a meter reading to determine the actual consumption of electricity during your tenancy. This will help to determine the accurate amount of electricity you owe.

Step 4: Negotiate a payment plan

If you're unable to pay the full amount at once, ask the EDC if they can set up a payment plan for you. This will allow you to pay the outstanding amount in installments.

Step 5: Document everything

Keep a record of all your communications with the EDC, including dates, times, and details of your conversations. Also, keep a copy of any agreements or payment plans you reach with them.

Additional tips

Remember to stay calm and professional when communicating with the EDC. Good luck, and I hope you're able to resolve the issue quickly and fairly!