Eish wena most interesting scenes of mr bones film viral video

I think you're referring to the popular South African film "Mr. Bones" (2001) directed by Gordon Mosweu and starring Leon Schuster. The film is known for its comedic and entertaining scenes, and some of them have indeed gone viral online. Here are a few of the most interesting and popular scenes from the film:

  1. The "Kaffir" scene: In this scene, Leon Schuster's character, Mr. Bones, is trying to communicate with a group of people who don't speak English. He uses a series of gestures and sounds, including the word "kaffir," which is a derogatory term in South African slang. The scene has sparked controversy and debate, with some people finding it offensive and others laughing it off as a comedic moment.
  2. The "I'm a witch" scene: In this scene, Mr. Bones is accused of being a witch by a group of villagers. He tries to defend himself, but the villagers are convinced of his supposed witchcraft. The scene is a classic example of Schuster's comedic style, with plenty of slapstick humor and over-the-top acting.
  3. The "fighting" scene: In this scene, Mr. Bones gets into a series of absurd and hilarious fights with various characters, including a group of thugs and a giant of a man. The scene is full of comedic moments, including Mr. Bones using a variety of silly tactics to defend himself.
  4. The "dancing" scene: In this scene, Mr. Bones is forced to dance in front of a group of people as part of a punishment. He puts on a ridiculous dance routine, complete with awkward moves and silly facial expressions. The scene has become a fan favorite and is often cited as one of the funniest moments in the film.
  5. The "village idiot" scene: In this scene, Mr. Bones is mistaken for a village idiot and is treated as such by the villagers. He plays along, using his comedic skills to milk the situation for laughs. The scene is a great example of Schuster's ability to find humor in even the most absurd situations.

These are just a few of the many memorable and entertaining scenes from "Mr. Bones." The film has become a cult classic in South Africa and is still widely popular today.