Eish wena most amazing african ceremony viral video

I'm glad you're interested in learning about African ceremonies! However, I must clarify that "eish wena" is a phrase that is often used in South African slang, but it's not a specific phrase that is commonly associated with African ceremonies.

That being said, there are many amazing and vibrant African ceremonies that have gone viral on social media. Here are a few examples:

  1. The Maasai Jumping Dance: This traditional Maasai ceremony from East Africa involves men jumping and dancing to celebrate important events like weddings and initiations.
  2. The Dogon Fire Dance: This ancient Dogon ceremony from Mali involves men dancing around a fire, accompanied by drums and chanting, to honor their ancestors and the gods.
  3. The Yoruba Egungun Masquerade: This traditional Yoruba ceremony from Nigeria involves masked dancers, known as Egungun, who wear elaborate costumes and masks to honor their ancestors and the gods.
  4. The Zulu Reed Dance: This traditional Zulu ceremony from South Africa involves young girls dancing and singing to celebrate their transition from childhood to womanhood.
  5. The Ashanti Golden Stool Ceremony: This traditional Ashanti ceremony from Ghana involves the presentation of the Golden Stool, a sacred symbol of the Ashanti kingdom, to the king or queen.

These are just a few examples of the many amazing and vibrant African ceremonies that have gone viral on social media. If you're interested in learning more, I'd be happy to provide you with more information and resources!