Eish wena african witchcraft prank viral video

It seems like you're referring to a popular viral video that has been making the rounds on social media!

For those who may not be familiar, the video appears to be a prank where a group of people, allegedly claiming to be African witches, are seen performing a ritual in a forest. The video shows them chanting, dancing, and waving their hands in the air, all while claiming to be casting spells and performing magic.

The video has been viewed millions of times and has sparked a lot of debate and discussion online. Some people have been left in stitches, while others have been left feeling uneasy or even offended.

It's worth noting that the video has been widely criticized for being a prank and not an actual representation of African witchcraft or any other form of spirituality. Many people have pointed out that the video is likely staged and that the "witches" in the video are likely actors or pranksters.

Regardless of the authenticity of the video, it's clear that it has captured the attention of many people around the world and has sparked a lot of conversation about witchcraft, spirituality, and cultural appropriation.

What are your thoughts on the video? Have you seen it?