Eis news

EIS News!

EIS (Electronic Intifada) is an independent online news publication that focuses on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its impact on the Middle East and the world. Here are some recent news articles from EIS:


  1. Israel's annexation plans spark international outcry: The Israeli government's plans to annex parts of the West Bank have been met with widespread condemnation from the international community, with many countries warning of severe consequences if the move goes ahead.
  2. Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli jails: Over 1,000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails have gone on hunger strike to protest against their detention without charge or trial, and to demand better living conditions.
  3. Gaza's healthcare system on the brink of collapse: The healthcare system in Gaza is facing a severe crisis due to a lack of funding, medical supplies, and infrastructure damage, leaving thousands of patients without access to basic medical care.
  4. Israel's military occupation of the West Bank turns 50: The Israeli military occupation of the West Bank, which began in 1967, has been marked by human rights abuses, settlement expansion, and restrictions on Palestinian movement and access to resources.
  5. Palestinian refugees call for international action on right of return: Palestinian refugees are calling on the international community to take action to recognize their right of return to their homeland, which was denied to them by the 1948 Nakba (catastrophe) and subsequent Israeli policies.

Recent articles:

  1. The Israeli military's use of tear gas against Palestinian protesters: An investigation into the use of tear gas by Israeli soldiers against Palestinian protesters in the West Bank and Gaza Strip has found that the gas is often used in excessive and indiscriminate ways, causing serious harm to civilians.
  2. The impact of Israeli settlements on Palestinian agriculture: Israeli settlements in the West Bank are having a devastating impact on Palestinian agriculture, with many farmers facing restrictions on their land, water, and access to markets.
  3. The struggle for Palestinian education in East Jerusalem: Palestinian students in East Jerusalem are facing significant challenges in accessing education, including restrictions on their ability to attend schools and universities, and a lack of resources and infrastructure.

These are just a few examples of the important news and issues covered by EIS. The publication provides in-depth reporting and analysis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as human rights abuses, political developments, and cultural and social issues in the region.