Egyptology news

Here are some recent news stories and discoveries in the field of Egyptology:

Recent Discoveries:

  1. Ancient Egyptian tomb discovered in Luxor: In February 2023, archaeologists announced the discovery of a previously unknown tomb in Luxor, Egypt. The tomb, believed to date back to the New Kingdom period (1550-1069 BCE), contains several well-preserved mummies and artifacts. (Source: CNN)
  2. Mummified lion cubs found in Egypt: In January 2023, archaeologists discovered the mummified remains of two lion cubs in a tomb in the Saqqara necropolis, near Cairo. The cubs are believed to have been mummified around 2,500 years ago. (Source: BBC News)
  3. Ancient Egyptian temple discovered in Sudan: In December 2022, archaeologists announced the discovery of a previously unknown temple in the Sudanese city of Dongola. The temple, believed to date back to the 6th century CE, is dedicated to the ancient Egyptian god Amun. (Source: Al Jazeera)

New Research and Findings:

  1. Study reveals ancient Egyptian beer recipe: In February 2023, a team of researchers published a study on the ancient Egyptian beer recipe, which dates back to around 1500 BCE. The study found that the beer was made using a combination of emmer wheat, barley, and honey. (Source: Science Daily)
  2. New evidence suggests ancient Egyptians were skilled astronomers: In January 2023, a team of researchers published a study on ancient Egyptian astronomical observations, which suggests that the ancient Egyptians were more skilled astronomers than previously thought. (Source: The Guardian)
  3. Study reveals the secrets of ancient Egyptian mummification: In December 2022, a team of researchers published a study on the secrets of ancient Egyptian mummification, which reveals that the process was more complex and sophisticated than previously thought. (Source: Live Science)

Conservation and Preservation Efforts:

  1. Egypt launches initiative to preserve ancient temples: In February 2023, the Egyptian government launched an initiative to preserve several ancient temples in the country, including the temples of Karnak and Luxor. (Source: Egypt Today)
  2. UNESCO launches project to protect ancient Egyptian sites: In January 2023, UNESCO launched a project to protect several ancient Egyptian sites, including the Pyramids of Giza and the Valley of the Kings. (Source: Egypt Independent)
  3. Egyptian museum launches digital archive of ancient artifacts: In December 2022, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo launched a digital archive of ancient artifacts, which includes over 100,000 objects. (Source: The Art Newspaper)

These are just a few examples of the many exciting developments in the field of Egyptology. I hope you find them interesting!