Egyptian court rescinds death sentence for ex president mohammed morsi #

You're referring to the recent development in Egypt!

Yes, you're correct. On June 16, 2021, an Egyptian court overturned the death sentence of former President Mohamed Morsi, who was convicted of espionage and other charges. Morsi, who was the first democratically elected president of Egypt, had been sentenced to death in 2015 and was already serving a life sentence in prison.

The court's decision to rescind the death sentence was seen as a significant development, as it marked a rare instance of a high-profile political figure having their sentence reduced or overturned in Egypt. Morsi's supporters and human rights groups had long argued that his trial was unfair and that he was being persecuted for political reasons.

Morsi's case has been a highly controversial and sensitive issue in Egypt, with many seeing his imprisonment and trial as a crackdown on political dissent and a sign of the country's deteriorating human rights situation. The decision to rescind his death sentence is likely to be seen as a significant step towards addressing some of these concerns.

It's worth noting, however, that Morsi's life sentence remains in place, and he will likely continue to be held in prison. The Egyptian government has not commented on the court's decision, and it remains to be seen what the implications will be for Morsi's case and the broader political landscape in Egypt.