Egypt new capital master plan

The Egypt New Capital Master Plan is a comprehensive urban planning project aimed at creating a new administrative capital for Egypt. The project was launched in 2015 and is expected to be completed by 2024. Here are some key features of the master plan:

Location: The new capital is being built on a 700-square-kilometer site located about 45 kilometers east of Cairo, the current capital city.

Design: The master plan was designed by the Egyptian government in collaboration with international consulting firms, including the German company, GIZ, and the Egyptian company, Dar Al-Handasah.


  1. Administrative Capital: The new capital will serve as the seat of the Egyptian government, housing the presidency, parliament, and other government institutions.
  2. Mixed-Use Development: The city will feature a mix of residential, commercial, and recreational areas, with a focus on sustainability and green spaces.
  3. Smart City Infrastructure: The city will be equipped with modern infrastructure, including a high-speed rail link, a metro system, and a smart traffic management system.
  4. Green Spaces: The city will have a large number of parks and green spaces, covering about 30% of the total area.
  5. Water Management: The city will have a sophisticated water management system, including a desalination plant and a wastewater treatment plant.
  6. Energy Efficiency: The city will be designed to be energy-efficient, with a focus on renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.
  7. Transportation: The city will have a comprehensive transportation system, including roads, highways, and public transportation options.

Phases: The project is being implemented in several phases, with the first phase focusing on the construction of the administrative capital and the second phase focusing on the development of residential and commercial areas.

Challenges: The project has faced several challenges, including delays, cost overruns, and environmental concerns. However, the Egyptian government remains committed to completing the project and has made significant progress in recent years.

Benefits: The Egypt New Capital Master Plan is expected to bring several benefits to the country, including:

  1. Economic Growth: The project is expected to create thousands of jobs and stimulate economic growth in the region.
  2. Improved Infrastructure: The project will provide modern infrastructure, including roads, public transportation, and utilities, which will improve the quality of life for residents and visitors.
  3. Sustainability: The project will be designed to be sustainable, with a focus on renewable energy, green spaces, and water conservation.
  4. Reduced Congestion: The project will help to reduce congestion in Cairo, which is one of the most congested cities in the world.

Overall, the Egypt New Capital Master Plan is a significant urban planning project that aims to create a modern, sustainable, and efficient capital city for Egypt.