Effective follow up of new converts by pastor chris

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, the founder of Christ Embassy, has emphasized the importance of effective follow-up of new converts in his teachings. Here are some key points on how to follow up with new converts:

  1. Immediate Follow-up: Pastor Chris emphasizes the need for immediate follow-up with new converts. This can be done through a phone call, text message, or a visit to their home.
  2. Assign a Mentor: Assign a mentor or a cell group leader to guide and disciple the new convert. This helps to provide support, answer questions, and encourage them in their spiritual journey.
  3. Regular Communication: Maintain regular communication with the new convert through phone calls, text messages, or emails. This helps to keep them engaged and motivated.
  4. Prayer Support: Offer prayer support to the new convert, praying for their spiritual growth, protection, and guidance.
  5. Bible Study: Encourage the new convert to study the Bible regularly, and provide them with study materials and resources.
  6. Fellowship: Encourage the new convert to attend church services, cell groups, and other fellowship activities to help them connect with other believers.
  7. Accountability: Encourage the new convert to be accountable to their mentor or cell group leader, reporting their progress and challenges.
  8. Follow-up Visits: Make regular follow-up visits to the new convert's home or workplace to check on their progress and provide additional support.
  9. Provide Resources: Provide the new convert with resources such as books, CDs, or DVDs that can help them in their spiritual growth.
  10. Celebrate Milestones: Celebrate the new convert's milestones, such as their first baptism or their decision to become a full-time minister.
  11. Be Patient: Be patient and understanding with the new convert, recognizing that their spiritual journey is unique and may take time.
  12. Empower Them: Empower the new convert to take ownership of their spiritual growth, encouraging them to take responsibility for their own discipleship.

By following these steps, Pastor Chris believes that new converts can be effectively followed up and discipled, leading to a strong foundation for their spiritual growth and a lifelong commitment to Christ.